
Misdemeanor Mental Health Court Referrals

The process of connecting an individual to MMHC starts with a referral. The referral is a single-page document that is completed, then faxed, mailed, or emailed to the MMHC by someone who has identified the defendant as possibly having a mental illness. Referrals can originate from various sources such as an arresting officer, family member, judge, jail personnel, prosecuting attorney, public defender, Pretrial Services, past participants, or any community stakeholders. Defendants may be referred to the MMHC at various stages of the criminal justice continuum and at any GAINS sequential intercept point such as arrest, in jail, first appearance hearing, pre-trial services interview, arraignment, plea calendar or trial.  Typically, entry into the MMHC is greater than 30 days but referrals are accepted and reviewed upon receipt.

Referrals Can Be:

Mailed to

DeKalb Magistrate Court, MMHC
556 N. McDonough Street, Room 120
Decatur, GA 30030

Faxed to



Sharla Taylor, MMHC Coordinator at 470-707-7910 or 404-371-3254


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